That's all folks!
With the release of Sims 4 I have decided it’s finally time to hang up my building hat and step aside for the new talent that this new game will bring. I know I haven’t been around so much over the last few months and it doesn’t seem right to hang on just for the sake of it now that the passion has gone.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here as a sims artist and I would like thank the team here at TSR for putting up with me for so long! I also wish to thank you the downloaders whose comments and encouragement have meant so much to me and kept me going all this time. I have some fantastic memories and have made some dear friends over the years and now it is time to move on. I won’t be giving up simming completely (I’ll finally get to spend some serious time actually playing the games that I’ve spent so long creating for) and you may still find me lurking around the place from time to time.
I’m sure many of your are excited to get started on sims 4 but for me the look and feel of the game just doesn’t inspire me and I won’t be parting with my hard earned cash for a copy, at least for the time being. So, that being the case I bid you fare thee well but not goodbye.
See you around,
Hats <3